Wednesday, 23 January 2013

My early teenage years in a nutshell.

So reading back through my old emails on an account I now never use, I have decided to sum up my early teenage self in a nutshell.

1. I was extremely chavvy
2. I was very overly clingy with my boyfriends (apologies if this still occurs..but I feel I'm improving)
3. I mst defntly ova-usd txt lnguage 2 th poynt wer no1 even undastd wot i waz tryn 2 say

4. I usd txt lingo in @mails. (Who even does that??)
5. Had very weird nicknames such as: tigerlily, norby baby and princess tilly tally woo.

6. I was overly friendly in everything I did.
7. I sent emails to myself. (Yes I was THAT sad) *nb: to be fair there were attachments for school work....but I did write myself a personal message as well. Awks. (example:
print out (bt not in tech block or mr. P will murder yhoo!) lol :L hav fun sweetie! :P))
8. Everyone seemed to love me (but were probably all going mentally insane due to my lacking in language comprehension in texts)
9. I sent emails to my teachers from my really embarrassing personalised email account
10. My email account started with the words: babycakes_rox (oh my lordy)
11. I overused the words 'bbe', 'bbz', 'huni' and 'luv u'
12. I seemed to tell everyone I loved them (I ended all texts and emails with 'love youuuu' or 'luv yhoo')
13. I probably creeped out everybody I ever sent messages to.
14. I was a bit bipolar (probably still am...)
15. My email sign off was really gay:


16. I found HORRENDOUS photos like this:

17. I found some reeeeally weird photos of my ex boyfriend (yeah so I know this isn't about me, but it was still funny.... SO tempted to post the photo but he might just kill me)
18. I posed awful in photos (see above image)
19. Everyone seemed to write that they 'miss' me (even though they'd seen me that day at school/that week)
20. My mum emailed me even though I was only upstairs...I was obviously on the computer way too much. (Not much has changed then)
21. My bebo account name was 'You Shizzle My Dizzle'. Wow.
So yeah. There's my ever-intriguing insight into my life. Still not sure I totally understand how my own mind ticks; but there's definitely still time for me to work it out. I mean, if I don't even understand myself I can't expect anyone else to get me!
But yeah. Although my teenage years have been slightly strange, emotional and (at times) hard to bear, they feel like they've flown by and I wouldn't change any of my journey for the world. Only less than two more months of teenageness left... Better make the most of it and
*Ps. I thought it might also be hilarious to note how I went through four different phases in my secondary school life:
1. Chav
2. Goth
3. Emo
4. Prep
In my 'emo' days (I'm the middle one- you'd never have guessed...)

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