Kinda realised tonight that I haven't posted anything in a while (oOps. My sincere apologies) and I didn't really have anything amazeballs to say or discuss with again, sincere apologies and all that, if this post is well weird like. But you'll have to deal with it I'm afraid, as I'm bogged down with a load of assignments at the moment! So tonight I'm going to discuss the topic of living in halls of residence...
So if you're one of those oh so lucky people who has had the joys of living in a Halls at University, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about here.
Right, let me set the scene first. So, last year I had the wonders of living with ALL GIRLS. And let me tell you now it was utter hell on earth. I got on with 2/6 of them, which considering I had to live with them for nearly a year, meant I was constantly missing home/staying at friends houses/just generally hiding in my pit.
But anyway, rant over...for now.
This year, I seemed to have an amazing flat... until 'he-who-must-not-be-named' moved in. So, I'm assuming (hoping/wishing/praying) that this only goes for this one person, and not every foreigner. But basically, he has the weirdest and most gross, annoying habits known to mankind. And, just to get this all off my chest, I'd like to share them with you. (For those of you who adore Jenna Marbles as much as I do, then you'll realise this is kinda like her video about her crazy flatmate: inspired!)
1. When 'he-who-must-not-be-named' is in the kitchen: He will use everyone else's crap to cook with/eat with etc so everything is gross and covered in weird cooking stuff on the side. He will cook food (with meat) (I'm a veggie) and leave it on the hob uncovered... for about a week sometimes. He will start to half cook/prepare a meal, and then leave it there for the whole day.
2. When 'he-who-must-not-be-named' is using the fridge: He will leave weird shit all over the place, uses other people's crockery to hold his weird concoctions, use other people's food/drink, drink milk from the carton (for me, this is the worst habit ever).
3. When 'he-who-must-not-be-named' is in the bathroom: Let's just say it's not pleasant to go in there after he has been in there...
4. When 'he-who-must-not-be-named' is in the bedroom: I can hear him talking in his language REALLY LOUDLY and it sounds like he's constantly arguing with someone. He smokes (or did, not sure if this still happens.. but it stunk my room out). He leaves his keys in the door at night (bit confused why you would do this? If someone breaks in a) they could take your keys b) they could take an imprint of your keys and then come back when everyone's out and steal your stuff c) anyone could get in your room). He plays darts against my wall so I hear banging noises in my room. He listens to weird music and films SO LOUD, it could probably power the electricity in our whole flat.
So basically, I just think there has to be someone in charge of accomodation who just loves to bung me in a flat with at least one person I won't get on with. I feel it might be like Big Brother where they're filming my reactions and laughing. Slightly worried about who I'm going to end up with next year...
Wish me luck- fingers crossed
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